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How Long Is The Recovery Process After Cataract Surgery?

Do you have cataract surgery coming up, or are you considering it? If so, you’re probably wondering what recovery from cataract surgery is like.  The only way to remove a cataract and restore your vision is through cataract surgery. When a cataract begins to impact your daily life due to cloudy vision and other symptoms,… Read More

Is It Dry Eyes or Allergies? Learn How to Tell the Difference

In addition to blooming flowers and warmer days, the springtime and early summer can mean irritated eyes for the millions of people with allergies. Allergies aren’t the only condition that can cause irritated eyes, though.  Dry eye syndrome is another common culprit. Since identifying the cause of your discomfort is necessary to determine the right… Read More

From Blurry Vision to Crystal Clear: Why Cataract Surgery Is Worth It 

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process that occurs within the eyes. This means that everyone will eventually develop them. However, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for blurry vision. Cataract surgery can restore your vision and even provide you with greater visual freedom than ever. Keep reading to find out why… Read More

How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eyes or Allergies?

This time of year, irritated eyes can make you wonder whether dryness or allergies are to blame. Since both can cause your eyes to be uncomfortable, it can be tricky to tell which condition is causing your symptoms. However, once you familiarize yourself with a few key distinctions, you’ll be able to more easily identify… Read More

When Should I Get Cataract Surgery?

When Should I Get Cataract Surgery?

Are you wondering whether you may need cataract surgery? While millions of people have been diagnosed with cataracts, not everyone needs surgery right away.  One of the most important facts to know about cataracts is that they often progress very slowly over a period of years. Because they develop gradually, it can leave many people… Read More

How Often Do I Need to Have an Eye Exam?

How do you know when it’s time for an eye exam? The answer may surprise you. An eye exam is not just an appointment to check if your prescription needs to be updated. Visits to your eye doctor should not only be reserved for when you have a concern about your vision or notice a… Read More

Why Is Treating Dry Eye Important?

Are you one of the millions of Americans who struggle with dry eyes? Dry eye syndrome is a very common condition that can cause all kinds of discomfort, from itchiness to a burning sensation. Living with dry eye syndrome can be frustrating. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with it on your own. At Complete… Read More

6 Tips If You’re New to Using Contact Lenses

Have you recently decided to start wearing contact lenses? It’s estimated that 45 million people in the United States wear contacts.  With the ability to provide greater visual freedom, it’s no surprise why. If it’s your first time wearing contact lenses instead of glasses, you may be concerned about whether you are using them correctly. … Read More

What Is the Importance of a Medical Eye Exam?

Many people think that if they aren’t having any issues with their vision and don’t need to update their prescription, an eye exam isn’t necessary. However, an eye exam does much more than that! Eye exams are vital to maintaining your eye health. They keep you seeing clearly and ensure your eyes are working as… Read More

Do You Know If It’s Time to Find the Best Cataract Surgeon in Columbus?

Are you among the more than 65 million people living with a cataract? Cataracts are an extremely common eye condition and are the leading cause of vision loss. Cataracts can cloud your vision, making your vision appear blurry or foggy. They can also alter how you perceive color and even cause double vision. Cataracts tend… Read More

3 Reasons That It May Be Time For Dry Eye Treatment

Do you feel an itching or burning sensation in your eyes? More than 16 million Americans experience the effects of dry eye syndrome. In addition to irritation, symptoms include redness, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and excessive tearing. Keep reading to learn three reasons it may be time for dry eye treatment! What Causes Dry Eye… Read More

Does Diet Affect Your Eyes?

Everyone has heard the importance of maintaining a well-balanced diet, but did you know that what you eat can affect your vision? Whether at a restaurant or in your kitchen, your choices impact your eye health.  Like all the other parts of your body, your eyes need nutrients to function properly. They get these from… Read More

No, You Can’t Be Too Young For Cataracts

Did you know that you can develop a cataract at any age? Many people associate them with being older, but the truth is that anyone can develop them.  Although anyone of any age can develop a cataract, they become more common around the age of forty or fifty. Cataracts can produce significant vision changes and… Read More

What Kind of IOL is Best For Me?

Are you considering cataract surgery? If so, you have an important decision to make: the type of lens you will receive.  Not everyone selects the same lens for their cataract surgery. There are several different options to choose from, depending on your visual goals.  Keep reading to find out what kind of IOL may be… Read More

5 Warmer Weather Eyecare Tips to Follow

Now that the weather is warming up, many people are looking forward to taking advantage of everything the season has to offer. From a lazy lounge in the sun to a walk with your toes in the sand on a faraway beach, this time of year is one of the most idyllic. While you’re dreaming… Read More

If My Intraocular Pressure Is Too High, Could I Have Glaucoma?

Sometimes referred to as the silent thief of sight, glaucoma has the ability to damage your vision permanently. However, it often presents little to no symptoms in its early stages. Measuring and monitoring the pressure in your eyes is one way your eye doctor can detect glaucoma. Keep reading to find out if high intraocular… Read More

7 Signs You May Need To Have Cataract Surgery

How do you know when it’s time to consider cataract surgery? If your eye doctor diagnoses you with cataracts, it does not necessarily mean you need surgery right away.  A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens, and they typically develop slowly. It can be years before you experience moderate or severe symptoms.  However,… Read More

What is the Purpose of Having Eyelid Surgery?

Your eyelids play a vital role in protecting your eyes and keeping the front surface of your eye lubricated. In some cases, the muscles in the lid and surrounding areas can become dysfunctional and negatively affect your vision.  Conditions like strabismus and ptosis (drooping eyelids) can compromise your eyesight and alter your appearance. Many individuals… Read More

How Do You Treat Dry Eyes?

Do you ever experience a stinging, scratching, or burning sensation in your eyes? If so, you might have dry eye syndrome. Nearly sixteen million Americans have this condition, but it doesn’t have to impact your everyday life. Seeing your eye doctor can help you relieve your symptoms using a range of proven methods.  Keep reading… Read More

4 Things to Remember When You’re Buying New Glasses

Are you thinking about buying a new pair of glasses? Investing in a new pair of glasses is a big decision.  Not only are they responsible for your vision, but since you wear them regularly, they are a necessary aspect of your appearance and how you look to the people around you.  Before you buy… Read More

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