Will My Insurance Cover A Medical Eye Exam?

Young man receiving and eye exam

Are you thinking that it is time for an eye exam? Are you worried about the cost of a medical eye exam?

Sometimes cost can stand in the way of something you know you need to do. Life circumstances can make it difficult to decide between health and other aspects.

One solution is checking to see if exams, procedures, or prescriptions are covered by your insurance or if you need to get extra coverage. Keep reading to learn more about if insurance covers a medical eye exam!

What is a medical eye exam?

Medical eye exams or comprehensive eye exams are for people of all ages, from infants to adults. For infants, eye disorders like amblyopia and strabismus are looked for during an exam.

During an adult exam, ophthalmologists look for changes in your vision. They will also screen for glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration while checking to see if any existing conditions are impacting your vision.

Some of these conditions include diabetes, thyroid disease, hypertension, and more. Expect to have your eyes dilated, which assesses your eye health, as well as having a refraction test.

Refraction tests evaluate the eye’s ability to focus. A comprehensive eye exam allows your eye doctor to determine if corrective lenses or surgery will improve your eye health.

Does Complete EyeCare West accept insurance?

Our office is associated with different insurance plans and health organizations. When you come to our office, you need to bring your current insurance cards with you.

This is the only way we can assist you with your insurance. You will need to pay any copay you have before your appointment starts. Finally, if you do not have vision or medical insurance, you will have to pay for all services on the day of your appointment.

Will my medical or vision insurance cover my medical eye exam?

To understand if a medical eye exam will be covered by your insurance, you need to know the difference between medical and vision insurance.

At Complete EyeCare West, most of the services our ophthalmologists and optometrists provide are considered medical services. When you get a comprehensive eye exam, our team is doing tests and procedures to diagnose and treat conditions that appear during an eye and vision exam.

This may also include tests that check refraction (nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism). These are optical services, which your insurance bills differently, even though they are part of an eye exam.

Your health insurance will usually consider a comprehensive eye exam to be like any other service from a medical provider. After your comprehensive eye exam, we will bill your health insurance for the services provided.

Our practice only contracts with Vision Service Plan and EyeMed Access for vision insurance plans. They usually only pay for a basic optical eye exam.

These exams only look for eye conditions and vision changes. The goal of this exam is to get a prescription for glasses. If you have any questions about if your insurance is something that we accept, please contact us!

Are you ready to schedule a medical eye exam? Schedule an appointment at Complete EyeCare West in Columbus, OH with one of our ophthalmologists!

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